JUN 21-23, 2024

Viola Buitoni

Viola Buitoni, a San Francisco-based chef instructor and food writer, was born in Rome and raised in Perugia, Italy. With stories and knowledge from six generations, her recipes cross the best of local agriculture with Italian artisanal foods. Italy by Ingredient is her first cookbook. Viola teaches Italian modern home cooking classes with Milk Street, 18 Reasons, and The Civic Kitchen. She leads immersive culinary tours through off-the-beaten-path Italy. In 2020 the President of the Italian Republic awarded her the the title of Cavaliere dell’Ordine della Stella d’Italia for her work to further the culture and business of Italian food. In 2024 she was selected by Corriere della Sera, Italy’s premier newspaper, as one of the women of the year during the invitational Women in Food conference. 

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